You will be asked to create a user account by filling in an online form going over all the information necessary to processing your order (place of delivery, payment methods, name, etc.).
This step is only necessary for your first order. For all subsequent orders, the username and password you have chosen will allow you to login: you will be identified and the confidentiality of all information pertaining to your account will be guaranteed.
It is therefore important to commit both username and password to memory when you sign up for the first time. At this time, you will be able to confirm or correct your delivery and billing address. You will of course be able to add as many delivery and billing addresses as you wish.
If you are already a registered FIRPLAST client and you have in-stock customised items with us, you only need to click on the "Customised items" icon in the top left hand corner of your screen to access them once you are logged in to your account.
You will then be able to view all of your customised products. Only you can access this page and no other client can order your items.
If you know the references of the articles and want to order quickly, nothing more simple.
Click on the Express Command icon, located at the top right:
You arrive on the cart page.
How to place a fast order? in 2 steps
Step 1: Enter the product number (1) and choose the quantity of products (2) then click on the ADD button (3) :
Step 2 : Once your selection of articles finalized, click on the button VALIDATE , at the bottom of the cart.You then validate the order and follow the usual instructions for payment and delivery.
If you regularly order the same items at FIRPLAST you have the possibility to create a standard order by saving your cart. This option saves you valuable time.
To recover a saved cart, once identified, click on my account and then on MY SAVED CARTS (1). You then have access to your saved carts. A click on the "ORDER" button (2) allows you to add the entire saved basket to your current basket. Of course nothing prevents you from adding other items, removing and changing the quantities in your basket.